Well guys how are we!
I want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves, let you know who is Caroline Bell and what is thehairsalon.ie?
So, I am Caroline Bell I am a hairdresser with over 25 years’ experience on the salon floor. I am a colourist; colour is my passion with colour correction being one of my specialities. I love a challenge I cannot say no to a challenge! I am a wife, I am a mother, and I have a as hair salon here in Cobh in county Cork. It is a nice busy salon and Cobh is a beautiful town to live in well. It is a tourist town, so we have a lot of different people coming in and out of our doors every day. So that is me!
Thehairsalon.ie was set up a while back just because I needed a website address for different things that you would be doing over time. So, I always had the website the hairsalon.ie and it was sitting there dormant not doing a whole lot. And then lockdown happened in March of 2020 and that was a big shock obviously for all of us.
As a hairdresser what I saw was my clients needed a little bit of help at home looking after their hair while salons were closed. So, for that I took to Instagram. every morning I would get up, wash my hair on Instagram and show people how to manage their hair. How to blow dry their hair, give hints and tips on solving different hair issues that people were having during lockdown. And advise which products would be best suited to the client and to the specific problems and hair types that they had.
With that it opened the website. I put all our products that we would retail within the salon up online on the hairsalon.ie. And when I would advise people on what they needed to use, or what would be best suited for their hair they could purchase these on the website and have them delivered straight to their door.
So that grew that really did grow fast. I found out a lot of people coming on to my Instagram page who were not clients who were looking for some help and advice on how to manage their own hair at home. So we built their own little community over there on Instagram and it’s great fun! I love it I love chatting with people every day and I love being able to help people and advise them on the best products that will be suitable for their hair.
So over time what I have learned is people were jumping onto websites buying products because maybe an influencer was using them online, or they had maybe read an article about them, or heard that they were good, or their friend was using them and maybe suggested they should use them. And then they would just jump onto a website buy these products and then find that they were not doing what they expected them to do. And that would be because they were not specifically aimed at their hair their hair type or the hair problem that they were trying to address.
So thehairsalon.ie really works with the website and Instagram. People jump onto Instagram to me my dms are always open on Instagram. They tell me their hair problems, and I advise on the products that I think will be best suited to their hair needs. Being a hairdresser, I work with all these products daily on the salon floor and I work with them on many different hair types. So i know exactly from experience what products work best for certain hair types and certain hair issues. I also know what hair types these products do not work well with and I can give good honest reviews on these products and who they are suitable for.
Basically, hair care has become a minefield and there are so many options. It can be very overwhelming and hair care isn’t cheap now. You are spending your hard-earned money on good hair care products and then maybe not seeing the value from them because they are not specifically targeting your issues.
The hairsalon.ie is all about putting together your personalized hair care regime and products that are best aimed at your hair and your hair type. So, like I said the website works in conjunction with our Instagram page. You could pop onto our Instagram page you can message me you can send me pictures of your hair you can tell me all about your hair issues. I will advise which products from the website would be best suited to your hair type so you are getting a consultation basically on helping you choose the correct products.
I take great pride in what I do. I take it very personally and I love checking back in with clients and getting client feedback on how they are getting on with their products. And you know if we need to alter change or just tweak the regime a little bit if there is something that we are missing from that and not solving an issue then we can tweak that as we go. So i I see this as a great service. I really do! I would love it myself on other issues whether I would be looking for clothes or whether I would be looking for skin care, I would love to be able to get that professional and personalized advice to guide me in the right direction. Before I spend my hard-earned cash!
That is my aim and going forward what I am not going to let go of. I do not want the hairsalon.ie to turn into a mainstream website where people just go buy products and then do not get the great results from them. I want to keep this all personal all my messages on Instagram are answered personally by myself. I do take great pride in it and really enjoy it so if you need help choosing products to suit your hair or your hair problem then reach out over to thehairsalon.ie on Instagram. Message me, send me pictures of your hair and we can come up with a solution for you.
I also offer online consultations where we can do video calls. All my consultations are free, and we can set up a video call. If you are suffering maybe from hair loss or from scalp issues or something that needs a little bit more than just a text, then absolutely reach out to me and we can arrange a consultation. And guide you in the right direction and make sure that what you are spending your hard-earned cash on is doing the job that you wanted to do.
That is, it that’s Caroline Bell and thehairsalon.ie. I hope that you all pop over to Instagram give us a follow over there keep in touch with me if you are using any of our products then keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on with them. And if you need any help in the future choosing other products just reach out and shout. Guys that is it! I will talk to you all soon, uh sure I’ll be on Instagram tomorrow morning no doubt with some more hints and tips on this week’s hair issues and yeah, I look forward to chatting to you all at some stage.
Have a great day!
Caroline x