
Olaplex For Damaged Hair

olaplex for damaged hair

Olaplex for Damaged Hair

olaplex for damage


Out of all treatments available for damaged hair, nothing compares to Olaplex. It is the original Plexing Treatment.  Which a patented technology that repairs broken Disulphide bonds in the hair.

So why are Disulphide bonds so important?

All hair contains millions of disulphide bonds which give the hair its structure, strength, and stability. When all the bonds, especially the disulphide bonds, are intact and in alignment, you have healthy, beautiful, shiny, touchable hair. When disulphide bonds are broken, it results in damage.

How we Damage Hair!

We damage hair daily. Split ends, frizz, lacklustre Colour, thinning and dryness. These can all be related to broken disulphide bonds. Using heated styling tools can lead to damaged hair.  Mechanical damage from brushing, rough towel drying or tying hair up too tight can all lead to damage.

UV damage from the sun, humidity, extreme hot/cold weather conditions. Pollution, etc. all have a negative impact on the hair’s bonds.

Chemical services can also cause damage to hair. These services include Colour, Lighteners, Perms.


What can we do to treat Damaged Hair?

So this is where Olaplex comes in. Olaplex was discovered by scientists.  Working on something else altogether.  They discovered a side effect of what they had come up with was something that could rebuild broken disulphide bonds in the hair.

Originally a product hairdressers could add to colours to prevent damaging bonds whilst colouring. They then expanded to a complete take home range for people with damaged hair.


olaplex treatment

Olaplex now is from number 0 Right through to Number 8.  Olaplex 1 & 2 being in salon only treatments. And the rest are take home products. Olaplex 0 & 3 used together at home  give the same strength treatment as an in salon treatment. Olaplex 4 & 5 being your shampoo and conditioner. Which both have Olaplex bond repairing properties and are suitable for every day use. Olaplex 6 & 7 are finishing products. With 6 being a bond smoothing leave in treatment. And 7 being an oil which gives heat protection. Whilst closing and smoothing the cuticle to help keep colour locked inside for longer. Olaplex 8 which is newly launched is a treatment mask that will also add moisture to the hair. This is really the icing on the cake when it comes to treating damaged hair.


See Olaplex in action

So who’s it suited to?

Olaplex is suitable for anyone with damaged hair that is crying out for repair. Its not your ticket to white hair. But it preserves and maintains the integrity of the hair, allowing you to colour regularly without damaging hair. It is also amazing for anyone with curly hair. It helps fight frizz and define curls.

The complete Olaplex Experiance can be purchased here

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